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Host computer in a sentence

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Sentence count:51Posted:2019-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: intelligent computercomputercomputerisecomputerizesupercomputercomputer terminalcomputer gamecomputer file
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31) This system consists of host computer and slave computer two levels system.
32) One of the functions if the host computer is to store the applications programs for the various secondaries .
33) During work, host computer, display, printer, duplicating machine, facsimile apparatus and so on will unavoidably produce electromagnetic radiation that contains in-process data information.
34) Through the half-year operation, it is compatible by using OPC to access the server, and the communication between host computer and slave computer is stable and convenience.
35) The host computer control interface is compiled with VB. The lower computer mainly receive the collection value of the forward channel and send it to the host computer.
36) Adaptor can be used host computer mainframe and assistant equipment of extend switch much connector jack.
37) In the solution, the simulator is composed of I/O subsystem, host computer, ATC simulator, visual subsystem, audio subsystem, digital broadcast, communication subsystem and motion base.
38) By the host computer network, terminal and network nodes, such as the communication link network elements.
39) Each electric meter and customer of RF card were managed by host computer through network.
40) A method for a tape storage system to adaptively handle Space commands sent from a host computer system is disclosed.
41) Host computer uses object oriented method while slave computer uses structured method to implement control programs respectively.
42) The host computer acquires the capacity data of battery and AC status from UUT through the network(, and then compared it with the control limits thus to control the output status of the power box.
43) The CCU host computer of BOSCH is the most advanced host system at present.
44) In the control aspect, this system had a two-stage control structure composed of host computer and slave computer. Serial communication was used between the host computer and the slave computer.
45) The control system is composed of setting unit(host computer ), digital controller , input channel (position detector)and output channel (actuating mechanism).
46) One of the functions of the host computer is to store the applications programs for the various secondaries .
47) The host computer and sampling units were separated electrically by adding photocoupler circuits to RS 485 bus interfaces.
48) A local strategy will work when the slave computer can not communicate with the host computer.
49) Fault recording, which is able to record 20 fault acting value, breakdown time (millisecond precision) and fault type by the rule of FIFO,[] all the massage can be display on LCD or host computer.
50) Only all the configurations have passed through verification can host computer step into running state.
51) So that to achieve real time data transferring to host computer and receiving host computer instruction.
More similar words: intelligent computercomputercomputerisecomputerizesupercomputercomputer terminalcomputer gamecomputer filetrip computercomputer roomcomputerizedminicomputercomputer codehome computercomputerisedcomputer mousecomputer wordcomputer fraudAPPLE computercomputer crimemicrocomputercomputer errorcomputer expertcomputer powercomputer viruscomputer storecomputer fieldcomputer classcomputer designcomputer screen
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